Eurocon is a consulting company that specializes in providing assistance to companies, institutions, and non-governmental organizations whose aim is to join research projects, establish an innovative environment, or/and obtain international or local funding. We have a wide range of experience in information and communication technologies and human resource management.
"Innovation and technological development have become major forces of the global economy. Companies are constantly challenged to join forces and set up advanced development projects in order to develop products and services with high added value."
Stanko Šalamon, director, Eurocon d.o.o.
more than
Successfull projects
more than
business partners
Providing full professional support for building fast broadband networks
Preparation of development strategies for the construction of open broadband networks for Slovenian municipalities
Communication with local communities
Participation in the preparation of project documentation
Participation in the operational implementation of the construction of optical nodes
Technical and substantive customer support
Notifying customers in regards to their order.
Providing full professional support for building fast broadband networks
Inclusion of SMEs in the internationalization program according to the business technology bridge model (BTB)
The central markets are India and Bavaria
The key elements of internationalization are:
Local business partners and direct mapping of technology / product / service to the target market
Market entry through pilot projects and technological and business proof of concept
Preparation, management and implementation of pilot projects
Business expansion through commercialization of pilot projects in the target market
Internationalization of small and medium sized companies
Internationalization of small and medium sized companies
Structuring and organizing operations such as development-innovation partnerships, EU consortia, competence centers, technology centers, technology parks, technology networks and clusters and centers of excellence
Development of strategies, business plans, feasibility studies, cost-benefit analysis and preparation of legal bases for strategic cooperation at the national and international level
Preparation and implementation of technological and business workshops and consultations
Consulting and implementation of business and technology projects
Consulting and implementation of business and technology projects
Consulting on digital transformation of SMEs
Preparation, management and implementation of digitalization projects
Conducting thematic workshops in the field of digitalization
Organization of the event on digitalization called Living bits and things
Digitalization and digital transformation
Digitalization and digital transformation
Digitalization is not a goal, but a means which is even more true for digital technologies. Digital strategy is an important part of the companies business strategy, which relates to different areas of the company, from development, production, product function to logistic, sales, marketing and human resources.
What is a digital strategy?
Digital strategy is a way to reach the business goals which are supported by digital technologies.
There are two main ways that digital technologies can bring added value:
Through savings, optimization and cost reduction,
Through increase of revenue.
Why digital strategy?
Today, all businesses have a digital strategy whether they know it or not; regardless of whether they have written it down. This simply means that every company is dealing with data, analysis, optimization and costumers. The use of digital tools and skills is different which also affects efficiency, competitiveness and productivity of companies. If you have implemented an effective digital strategy this will strengthen your position in the market.
With digital strategy:
You can quickly and efficiently integrate your company into new value chains on the market,
Prove that you are a competitive and credible partner to your customers,
Adapt to changes faster.
What can you gain from digital strategy?
A 20-30 page operational document that includes the following results and impacts on the company:
A consistent view on the key challenges and goals of digitalization over the period of the next 3-5 years,
A list of key digitalization activities as an action plan based on added value
Answers to your questions: Which staff to hire? What training, knowledge and skills to invest in? Which projects, improvements should be invested in, and to what extent? Which effects and results to measure?
What is the process of preparing the strategy?
What is the process of preparing the strategy?
The whole process is planned for completion within 6 weeks in order to minimise the effect on regular working processes.
This is a four step process: situation analysis, joint workshops, preparation of a draft and final document, an ‘action plan’- presentation of the document to the employees.
Preparation of the document is managed and conducted by a team of consultants and entrepreneurs with extensive experience in implementing similar projects.
Seznanitev s procesom ter vpogled v ključne izzive podjetja po področjih in identifikacija področij digitalizacije (priložnosti).
Predstavitev digitalizacije, njenih prednosti in slabosti, primeri dobrih praks ter skupna obravnava identificiranih priložnosti.
Priprava osnutka digitalne strategije za podjetje na ključnih identificiranih področjih s kazalniki in osnutkom projektov.
Predstavitev končne verzije digitalne strategije, ki se jo objavi in obrazloži zaposlenim zaradi sprememb, ki jih prinaša.
GOŠO Slovenija
Gradnja odprtih širokopasovnih omrežij elektronskih komunikacij v občinah po Sloveniji, priprava projektne dokumentacije za občine, 2014-2020
GOŠO Hrvaška
Gradnja odprtih širokopasovnih omrežij v Medžimurski in Varaždinski županiji, svetovanje pri izvedbi postopkov in priprava projektne dokumentacije, 2014-2016
GOŠO Slovenija
priprava projektne dokumentacije in prijav za sofinanciranje, 2007 - 2013
Projekt SLO-AT, Promt-ICT
sofinanciran iz sredstev ESRR - partner na projektu, 2010-2011
»SEI - Service Enabled Infrastructure«
sofinanciran iz sredstev ESRR - priprava prijave in vodenje projektne pisarne 2006 - 2007
»Calibrate«, 6. Okvirni program EU
vodenje projektne pisarne, 2006
Materiali in tehnologije za nove aplikacije, sofinanciran s strani ESRR, priprava prijave in projektno vodenje, 2016-2019
Kompetenčni center odprta komunikacijska platforma za integracijo storitev, sofinanciran s strani ESRR, priprava prijave za sofinanciranje in projektno vodenje, 2010-2013
Zavod Tehnološka mreža ICT
vodenje zavoda in projektne pisarne od 2005 - 2018
KKISS - konvergenčna komunikacijska infrastruktura za sodobne storitve
sofinanciran s strani ESRR, priprava prijave in projektno vodenje, 2008 - 2011
Center odličnosti ICT - CO ICT
priprava prijav za sofinanciranje in vodenje projektne pisarne za 6 RR projektov in investicijskega projekta v obdobju 2004 - 2007.
Eko Sistem Pametnega Mesta, sofinanciran s strani ESRR, priprava prijave in projektno vodenje, 2016-2019
Econyl, Povečanje predelave odpadkov v podjetju Julon d.d.
sofinanciran s strani MG, tuje neposredne investicije - priprava projektne dokumentacije in prijave, 2010
RC Jesenice
sofinanciran s strani ESRR, priprava projektne dokumentacije in projektno vodenje, 2011
RC IKT Kranj
sofinanciran s strani ESRR, priprava projektne dokumentacije in prijave, 2011
»eMapps«, 6. Okvirni program EU
vodenje projektne pisarne, 2006