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Image by Annie Spratt


Optično omrežje RUNE se gradi na redko poseljenih območjih in tam, kjer ostali komercialni operaterji nimajo interesa za gradnjo. Preveri zemljevid območij gradnje omrežja RUNE.

Image by Scott Graham


Priključek RUNE se lahko zgradi samo naslovom, ki so na seznamu gradnje omrežja RUNE. V roku 90 dni od izgrajenega priključka RUNE morate izbrati ponudnika storitev.

Image by Eric Rothermel


Pogodbo za izgradnjo uporabniškega priključka lahko sklenete že 1 leto pred predvideno izgradnjo vašega optičnega priključka. 

Image by Josh Appel


Enkratni strošek izgradnje optičnega priključka se zaračuna v višini 150,00 € (z DDV), v plačilo pa je vključeno tudi nadaljnje vzdrževanje priključka. Oddaja povpraševanja je brezplačna.

Image by Paola Aguilar


- Izpolni obrazec za povpraševanje

- Preveri proces pridobitve priključka

- Potrebuješ pomoč ali več informacij?      Kontaktiraj podporo strankam.

Image by Domenico Loia


Zgrajeno optično omrežje RUNE bo končnim uporabnikom omogočilo, da si sami izberejo ponudnika širokopasovnih storitev. Preveri kako do priključka brezplačno.

Download, print and fill the attatched application form.

Return it signed:

Eurocon d.o.o.

Dunajska 159

1000 Ljubljana

Feel free to call us:

our advisors are happy to answer your queries. 

If your address is not yet available to apply for the infrastructure, we will save your application form and prepare the contract and the letter of consent as soon as it becomes available (1 year before the predicted date of construction).

If the address you're inquiring about is found in the defined pool of adresses, eligible for applying for the construction of infrastructure, we, as a contractual partner of the company RUNE Enia d.o.o., will, based on the completed application form, prepare an infrastructure contract and the owner's letter of consent to perform construction work. In accordance with the chosen method of business communication, we will send you said contract and letter of consent, which must then be signed and returned in accordance with the instructions, that will be sent alongside the documents.


Only after having returned the signed documents and making the payment as per contract, will you have met all the conditions for the construction of the infrastructure.


After having successfully applied for the infrastructure, you will also have to sign a contract with a service provider of your choice, which will then provide you with telecommunication services on the RUNE network.


Check the offer of service provider, recommended by Eurocon.

When will I be able to sign a contract for the construction of the optical connection for my household?

What's the cost of having an optical connection built per household?

You will be able to sign the contract, at the earliest, one year before the planned construction of said optical connection.

The one-time cost for the construction of the connection at the time of the construction of the network is 150 EUR (VAT included), and the cost includes maintenance of the connection as well.

When can I enter into a contract with the chosen service provider?

You can do that anytime after you've signed the contract for the construction of the optical connection, but not later than 90 days after the construction of your connection has been completed.

Which service providers can I choose between?

The RuNe optical network will allow it's users to freely choose between all service providers. On the link below, you can view the public opinion on the available service providers. LINK

Is my household eligible for the construction of the optical connection?

To check eligibility, you can always contact our customer support team, either by calling 01 292 72 30, or by writting an e-mail to

What can be done, if my household is ineligible for the construction of the optical connection?

The RuNe optical network will be constructed in scarecly populated areas and in areas, where the existing service provider have no interest for construction a network of their own. Should your household not be eligible for the RuNe network, we advise you to check in with the existing service providers.

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